Crave the film
"Crave" is a psychological thriller film directed by Charles de Lauzirika, released in 2012. The film follows the story of Aiden, a photographer with a morbid fascination with violent crime scenes, who begins to spiral into darkness when he becomes entangled with a woman named Virginia and a dangerous criminal named Pete. As Aiden's life becomes increasingly chaotic and surreal, he struggles to maintain his sanity and control his impulses. "Crave" explores themes of obsession, desire, and the blurred lines between reality and fantasy. The film received mixed reviews from critics, with praise for its atmospheric style and performances but criticism for its uneven pacing and narrative.
Crave the film Actors
"Crave" features a cast of talented actors. Here are some of the main actors and their respective roles:
- Josh Lawson as Aiden - Aiden is a troubled photographer who becomes involved in a dangerous underworld.
- Emma Lung as Virginia - Virginia is a mysterious woman who captures Aiden's attention and becomes a significant figure in his life.
- Ron Perlman as Pete - Pete is a volatile and menacing criminal who crosses paths with Aiden, leading to a series of unpredictable events.
- Edward Furlong as Ravi - Ravi is Aiden's friend who tries to support him but also finds himself drawn into Aiden's chaotic world.
- Christopher Stapleton as Roy - Roy is another friend of Aiden's who becomes entangled in the events surrounding Aiden's descent into darkness.
These are some of the main actors in "Crave," each contributing to the film's dark and atmospheric portrayal of its characters and story.